Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Alternative Education

Another cooperative effort we are involved with is creating alternative educational opportunities for various students. You know if a student is disruptive we do not have great options for their continued education beyond homebound instruction or expulsion. One alternative we are working on would be an alternative to expulsion option for those students that we want to continue their education (that would be all of them) and yet realize their behavior or circumstances will not allow them to remain in our facilities.
A second alternative is to look at option for students that simply fail to thrive often referred to as dropout prevention or credit recovery. Many high school students find themselves in situations where they need additional credits, or due to circumstances are not able to put in a full school day or they just don’t get it in a traditional setting even with differentiation. We are looking at how we can provide services for these children as well.
In both of the above don’t get me wrong. Our first and best choice is kids staying in schools and doing their assigned work. The dropout and graduation rates don’t lie and they say we have some kids that we are not reaching through traditional means. One group we are talking with is called The Crossings. They run alternative schools in various areas like Frankfort, East Noble, Goshen, and Elkhart to name a few. Their CEO is a former principal of a high school and they have a good program. Check it out to see what we are thinking about.
All I can tell you for sure is I support every child and the development and education of that child. If that is at our traditional setting great but if it means better education for them based on their specific needs and needs we cannot meet due to whatever circumstances (like money) then we will look at ways outside the norm to help them. I cherish any ideas you come across in how to help out children flourish in their education.

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