Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Facility Project

Last night the Whitko Board accepted the recommendation of the 25 year Facility Goal Committee. Part of the committee recommendation was to renovate South Whitley Elementary and build a new Pierceton Elementary. Now starts the long process of getting firm ideas of what is feasible based on the principle we are not going to raise taxes to do this. We are blessed that the debt of the middle school is getting paid off so we can do this without raising taxes if the committee numbers are correct.

There is more documentation on our web page. As I said it will now be a long process. We need to find our architect, financial advisor and others that will make up our planning team. Once we get firmer ideas of specific needs, costs and possible layouts of facilities we will move into the design work. This is where we get more specific on exact site locations if we are to build a new Pierceton. The committee hoped it could be located on the existing campus. Below is a possible timeline. Please note the Board is very much interested in community input so you'll be hearing about meetings once we have something to present. I will be updating this timeline as we move forward.

A Possible Timeline for School Construction (It depends on when we feel the community, Board, and administration  have enough information to move to the next steps. The green is complete and you'll see there is a lot of work ahead.
2 – 3 months (July – Sept 2011)

Pre- A Determine the path to follow with the Board and administrative. (Board Goal)

2 – 4 Months (Sept – Dec 2011)
A. Preliminary Board Goal Planning:

1. Recognize and define present and long term needs.
2. Analyze existing buildings, site requirements, transportation needs, finances and budget, grade structure, joint use of facilities, etc.
3. Review School Building Guidelines
4. Develop broad goal recommendations with community committee input

1 – 2 Months (Jan – Feb 2012)

B. Program

1. Update philosophy and goals, prepare educational program.
2. Select architect
3. Translate to architectural program.
4. Define quality of construction and level of maintenance.
5. Review and approval by School Board.
6. Prepare timetable for planning and construction
7. Estimate cost/budget.
8. Some community input but mostly sharing of ideas

2 – 4 Months (March-April 2012)
C. Development of Preliminary Drawings

1. Prepare preliminary plans and specifications based on approved architectural program.
2. Estimate cost
3. Community input
4. Review and approval by School Board

6 months (May 2012 – November 2012)
D. The referendum process which would be either the primary election in May 2013, general election in November 2012 or a special election. We could start the process in May 2012 with what is called our 1028 hearing for a November 2012 election or in January 2013 for May 2013 election.
(Tons of community input!)
Presuming referendum passage …

6 – 8 Months (November 2012 – July 2013)(May 2013- July 2013)
E. Development of Contract Documents

1. Set timetable
2. Complete financial arrangements
3. Develop approved preliminary plans into final working drawings and specifications
4. Estimate cost
5. Review and approval by School Board

2 -3 Months (August – September 2013)
F. Contract Administration
1. Review State procurement requirements
2. Receive and analyze bids
3. Execute contract and bonds
4. Provide for adequate supervision of construction

18 – 24 Months (September 2013- September 2015)
G. Execution of Contract


31 – 45 Months

We could make our first Debt service payment in 2015 the way our debt is structured right now. This would work out fine as we are renovating SWES. If we were to build a new PES we could not make a debt service payment on that part of the project until after occupancy.

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