With all the talk about cutting the state support for schools I though some details of how we spend our general fund money should be shared. Here is a quick rundown of how $11,745,485 was spent in 2009.
Employee Benefits and salary $ 10,710,305.70
Substitutes $ 146,629.91 Includes sick and personal days
(From Professional Development , 227 days 215.5 non-Federal at $80 = $17,200 so realistically might save $12,500)
Staff Development $ 24,545.46 Some savings possible
Contracted Services $ 42,407.24 Fixed
Utilities $ 160,159.28 Some savings possible
(Utilities show this low because $384,000 is spent through Capital Project Fund)
Other services $ 28,015.99 Fixed
Property Insurance $ 89,211.75 Fixed
Board Expenses $ 3,193.22 This was down ~$5000 from prior years.
Tuition $ 102,204.81 TROY/YIC, School for Blind, not our control
Travel $ 33,507.48 Down $10,000 from 2008
(Maximum save additional $24000)
Dues Fees $ 19,633.18 Some savings possible
Supplies $ 345,163.12 Up $26, 719 from 2008 need to save here
Library Materials $ 27,396.55
Equipment $ 28,704.28 (Truck – once every three year purchase)
Bank Charges $ 7,601.04 Fixed
Offset Temp loan $ - 23,248.79 Not in 2010
Those that read my newsletter know that we need to trim between $450,000 and $830,000 for 2010 and another $290,000 for 2011 as the stimulus money will not be available also the $504,000 cut in 2010 will not be made up in 2011. So over two year we are talking $1.25 million Like I said, we together will figure this out and stand tall as Whitko always does.
Remember that General Fund is the only fund imapcted by the state reduction in funding. Capital Projects that pays for most utilities and repairs is not affected nor is transportation which pays for busses and their related expenses.